We are a group of student videographers and photographers, web designers and developers, reporters and faculty brought together by a common goal: to share the voices of Puerto Ricans living in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria. We hope the stories of how they are coping and rebuilding can serve as lessons for future natural disasters.
We also wish to inform our audience about Puerto Rico's recovery and encourage more people to get involved and join the conversation.
We are a part of an annual project by UNC-Chapel Hill’s School of Media and Journalism. In past projects, students have reported across five continents and produced award-winning multimedia work. As students, we’re learning the rewards and challenges of reporting on different cultures; as journalists, we are working as a team to tell the stories that are shaping the globe.
Danielle Chemtob
Kaia Findlay
Marissa O'Neill
Public Relations Coordinator, Translator
Katie Rice
Reporter, Translator
Maria Elena Vizcaino
Reporter, Translator
Hermes Ayala and Carla Margarita
On-the-ground Support in Puerto Rico
The University of Puerto Rico
Nomada Urban Beach Hostel
Susan King
Dean of the UNC School of Media and Journalism
Michael Penny
Director of Global, Immersive and Professional Programs for the UNC School of Media and Journalism
Andy Bechtel
MJ-school Associate Professor of Advanced Editing, MEJO 557
Proyecto ENLACE del Caño Martín Peña
G-8 Inc.
Iniciativa Comunitaria
Amigos del Mar
Electricistas en Acción (EEA)
El Josco Bravo
Campamento Contra Cenizas de Carbón
Alianza Comunitaria Ambientalista del Sureste (ACASE)
El Comité Diálogo Ambiental de Salinas